The early goals of the Bluebird program are to help children become comfortable in a group, become accustomed to the routines of school life, and get to know and trust adults other than their own parents. Early in the school year, children tend to move rapidly from activity to activity and we encourage them as they follow their own interests. As the school year progresses, children show lengthening attention spans and learn to work together. As this ensues, more structured activities are offered. Throughout the school year, activities are selected to provide stimulation for each child’s emotional, social, physical, cognitive and creative development. As children engage in projects and activities within the classroom, we also encourage using their “words” to communicate, taking turns, and showing respect for each other.
Regular classroom activities include: music and rhythm, art projects, imaginative play, science and nature exploration, literature, outdoor exploration and play, and large-motor activities.
Although individual days may vary, Bluebirds generally follow the same daily schedule:
9:30am – 12:15pm
Outside Time
Wash hands, Circle Time (hello song, story, movement)
Free Play, Art Projects
Circle Time (story, songs, movement, goodbye song)
Bluebirds may attend school three, four, or five mornings a week. There are 2 co-oping parents or 1 co-oping parent and an assistant, along with the teacher each day. For information on co-oping responsibilities for Bluebird families, please see the Admissions and Our Approach sections.
Bluebirds have the option of extending their day in our enrichment class from 12:15-3pm any day from Monday-Thursday.